End supermarket profiteering

No child should be left hungry this summer

As food prices rise and millions struggle to pay for food, supermarkets are posting eye-watering profits. The Tory government claims that escalating costs are down to rising wages - even as it enforces real-terms pay cuts on public sector by denying them a rise in line with inflation. If your pay isn't going up but prices are, someone is pocketing the difference.

We say it's time for change - no child should be left hungry this summer. We demand:

Food poverty and rising prices: What do the numbers say?

Supermarket profiteering: Shareholders raking it in as prices rise

Tories and corporations working hand in hand

It's no surprise that our cruel Tory government is working hand in hand with supermarket bosses and their greedy shareholders. The Tories exist to protect the interests of the rich and powerful - and they have their hands in the jar too.

People don't give money to the Conservative Party for no reason. This cosy financial relationship puts the Tories in the pocket of the supermarkets. The Tories refuse to take a tough line on profiteering because the supermarkets are paying them not to. It's cash for policies! It also fits with the dominant neoliberal ideology within the Tory party that business should be left to its own devices and government regulation is bad.

While the Tories have let supermarket profits skyrocket, they have spent the last 13 years in government working to keep public sector wages down. Between January 2008 to May 2023, real-terms public-sector weekly earnings fell by over 8%. Even with the below-inflation pay rises offered last week after the governemnt buckled following months of strike action, public-sector pay would still be an average of £1,400 per year behind pre-pandemic levels. Private sector pay has fared slightly better, but workers were often in lower-paid work to start with - and they have still seen a significant real-terms pay cut.

What can you do?

No child should be left hungry this summer - that's why the People's Assembly is calling on the government to provide free school meals to all throughout the holidays and beyond. In fact, no one should be unable to feed themselves - that's why we demand price controls now.

In Cambridge, we hold regular demos, actions and events to campaign for an end to austerity and the attack on ordinary people by this cruel Tory government.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more information.